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Scott McDonald

Graphic Artist

Tel: 204-997-7855

Professional info

I have been working professionally as a graphic designer for over 15 years.  I have worked in a number of graphic related industries, such as printing, design, signs, and production.  I also do 3D graphics and animation.  At this time I am looking at different educational and professional options that I am interested in pursuing.  One of these interests is aviation.

Past Experience

I was born and raised in Valleyview, Alberta.  In high school I was introduced to my first flight simulator from Microsoft.  It was very basic and the graphics were horrible, but I was intrigued by the prospect of flying.


From 2002 to 2004 I worked with a friend named Bill Wilt who was a crop duster in Valleyview.  I drove the 18 wheel low-boy, wide load Kenworth and loaded the chemicals into the AT-401 tanks.  Being so close and watching my boss come in low over the fields was a thrill for me.  At this time, an old high school friend was offering flight lessons, but I didn't think I had the funds to begin so I passed up the opportunity.


After moving to Winnipeg 10 years ago I was introduced to another flight simulator enthusiast who got me interested in visiting Harv's Air at St. Andrews Airport.  We come here a few times a year to have breakfast and watch the planes.  For the last 3 years I have been contemplating my missed opportunity at getting my pilots' license.  I would like to take that next step.










  • First step towards a PPL

  • Instrument Rating

  • Night Rating

  • CPL

  • Floats

  • Grand Caravan C208

  • Multi-Engine

2010 - present

2010 - present

©2018 CheshireFX Graphics & Design

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